At what temperature do mosquitoes die

 The outside temperature influences the development of mosquitoes as well as their lifespan. Their body temperature varies according to the outside temperature. Indeed, it is very difficult for them to survive cold temperatures, and their development is impossible in these conditions. On the other hand, Warm temperatures will be favorable to them, which is why mosquitoes are rarely visible in winter. We will also see that the strong temperature variations can be fatal to them. 


At what temperature do mosquitoes die?

In this article, we will take a more detailed look at how mosquitoes are affected by changes in temperature. We'll also find out if extreme temperatures are likely to kill these pests. 

How do mosquitoes survive the winter?

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded creatures, which means that they cannot regulate their internal temperatures. Therefore, regardless of the temperature outside, it will be the same temperature as the mosquito.

For this reason, mosquitoes usually thrive in hot weather. You can find these flying insects almost everywhere, but mosquitoes do particularly well in countries and regions with hot and humid climates.

The cold can kill some types of mosquitoes, but others have adapted perfectly to living in cooler climates. Mosquitoes are even found in arctic regions, such as Alaska.

These mosquito species can resist ice and snow. The eggs can also survive the freezing cold and hatch as soon as spring arrives.

Other species are not as well adapted to extreme temperatures. For example, most mosquitoes in warmer places cannot live in freezing temperatures, and they will die if the temperature drops well below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Hibernating mosquitoes

Did you know that mosquitoes are capable of going into a kind of hibernation? Some mosquitoes go dormant and go into diapause when it is too cold for them.

The mosquito's body stops developing, and all internal processes are interrupted while the mosquito falls sound asleep. Only female mosquitoes are capable of this process.

Mosquitoes do not have a very long lifespan, but females can live much longer than males. They can stay in diapause long enough to be able to sleep through the winter. It emerges again once the temperature begins to rise. 

Frozen mosquitoes

Mosquitoes, like many other insects, have a biological antifreeze function built into their bodies. It is a biochemical process by which the water in the mosquito's body is replaced by glycerol. When frozen, glycerol forms glass-like ice crystals instead of freezing entirely to a solid-state, which would damage the insect's cells and tissues.

This process allows some adapted mosquito species to freeze and thaw later without damaging them.

In warmer parts of the world, mosquitoes are not as adapted to the cold. So these guys will most likely die if the temperature drops well below the range they are used to. But that does not mean that the mosquito will not leave its offspring behind. Cold may freeze the unsuitable adult to death, but their eggs will survive.

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in late fall. The eggs then freeze as winter approaches or hatch as larvae which are then safely frozen. Mosquito eggs, larvae, and pupae can all survive freezing temperatures.

Baby mosquitoes can stop developing during the cold winter months. Then, as the temperature rises, they thaw and quickly start to grow again. 

Can heat kill mosquitoes?

Before knowing at what temperature mosquitoes die, you should know that mosquitoes, in general, are very resistant to heat. So even high temperatures don't seem to bother these flying insects. But extreme heat will kill mosquitoes if there is not enough liquid around.

Mosquitoes need water to keep themselves from becoming dehydrated, and they need a food source. So they mainly eat flora, while the female, of course, drinks the blood of mammals, including humans.

Therefore, when you are on vacation in a hot, dry region, mosquitoes love to share the sunset with you; it's cool enough that they go out and get active again.

Moreover, mosquitoes love the tropics. In hot weather and much humidity in the air, they are unlikely to suffer from dehydration. In hot places with very little plant life and blood sources, mosquitoes are usually rare.

Hot weather makes mosquitoes thirstier than usual. So if you have stagnant water sources around your home during the summer, you could end up with an unwanted infestation.

Migratory mosquitoes

Due to rising global temperatures, mosquitoes in hot weather are now found in cooler regions. As a result, they migrate, or rather relocate, in droves, as environments that were once too cool for them become more and more habitable. And warmer climates get way too hot.

In fact, the Asian tiger mosquito was found in Wisconsin in 2017, and this was of concern, as this species is known to carry the dangerous Zika virus.

Scientists are studying how this relatively new phenomenon will affect mosquito populations and how mosquitoes will adapt to new temperatures. 

What temperature is necessary for the proper development of the mosquito?

The egg requires a room temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius at night for 12 to 20 consecutive days to become an adult mosquito. So with the temperature rises in the spring, the development of the larvae accelerates. When temperatures drop slightly during this time, it slows down the growth of the egg without causing the death of the larva. However, if the temperature is below 15 degrees, the process stops. So The ideal temperature for the development of the mosquito is between 25 and 33 degrees. It will not survive temperatures below 10 degrees. So their lifespan depends on the ambient temperature. 

How do mosquitoes avoid thermal shock?

Mosquitoes risk heat shock when feeding on blood because the blood collected is warmer than their own body. So mosquitoes implement a thermoregulation strategy to avoid this problem. For that, they emit a drop of blood and urine to lower the temperature of their abdomen. This drop comes into contact with air and then evaporates, thus cooling the room temperature, which keeps them from dying because of too much temperature variation.

Thus, mosquitoes are subject to the ambient temperature on which their survival and development depend. However, they have strategies to cope with cold temperatures and sudden temperature changes. Their instincts allow them to seek warm shelters in winter so that they can hibernate and survive. As we pointed out earlier, they can also regulate the ambient temperature when feeding on blood to survive.


So, at what temperature do mosquitoes die? As we have seen, the answer to this question strongly depends on the species in question and the adaptations with which they have evolved to be able to cope with inclement weather.

For this reason, there is no fixed temperature that we can conclusively say will kill mosquitoes. Mosquitoes adapt very well to the climate in which they live. But extreme changes in their environment can still kill these insects significantly if their food and water sources are affected.

Mosquito offspring can survive extreme weather conditions, including being frozen at all stages before adulthood.

Adult female mosquitoes can avoid extreme temperatures by going into diapause, a kind of hibernation. 

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