Does washing clothes kill silverfish eggs?

You might be wondering how to deal with a silverfish infestation in your home. Killing the adult insects isn't too hard, but their eggs can be tough to get rid of. They're so small that it may be difficult to even spot them and they could be anywhere!

Fortunately, washing your clothes can kill silverfish eggs. It's wise to wash them in a high-temperature setting just to make sure that all the eggs are destroyed. Most of them will likely be killed off no matter what, but it never hurts to be extra cautious - you don't want to deal with an infestation when the eggs hatch later! In this blog, we answer the question: Does washing clothes kill silverfish eggs?

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What Is a Silverfish?

These little creatures are voracious eaters and love anything that has a lot of starch. Unfortunately, they also love to munch on our household items like books, boxes, and paper! They have silvery-gray bodies covered with scales which makes them look fish-like.

Silverfish are about half to one inch in length. They have a broad head and taper down to their posterior end, which has three long appendages that are covered in bristles. Two of the legs jut out from the right and left sides of the body at ninety-degree angles and one hangs straight down from the back end. Silverfish tend to be active mostly at night and live for up to eight years!

How Do You Identify Silverfish Eggs?

You might have trouble seeing silverfish eggs with your naked eyes as they're only about 1 millimeter in diameter. Generally, they're white or cream-colored and have a waxy texture. You'd usually find them in small gaps around walls/ceilings, near furniture and boxes, behind wallpaper frames, inside shelving units, and storage boxes. Anywhere dark and “moist-ish “is likely to become a perfect spot for silverfish egg laying!

Female silverfish can lay up to 100 eggs throughout their life in groups of about 20 per week. The eggs usually hatch within one to three months depending on the temperature and conditions. A quick way to prevent the hatching is washing your clothes at a higher temperature – this should stop them from sprouting into mature adults!

Does Silverfish Infest Clothes?


Silverfish are usually found in areas of high humidity because they need that kind of environment to lay their eggs. Places like basements, laundry rooms, and near water pipes tend to be the most common places you'll find them nesting since these spots offer the best protection from humans. They feed on things like books, clothing, and paper so attics and closets are also ideal for them. It's possible to accidentally bring silverfish into your home through old boxes or older items of clothing that weren’t properly cleaned before being brought inside.

What are the Effects of Silverfish Eggs?

It can be difficult to notice when you have a silverfish infestation in your home. Their eggs are tiny and hard to find, but they tend to lay them in wet and dark places such as closets and laundry rooms. Not only do silverfish destroy items from the inside out, but also contaminate food sources with their fecal matter. If you know what signs to look for, like holes in books or fabrics, it is much easier to identify a silverfish problem early on before it gets out of hand.

Silverfish eggs can put humans at risk. If you're around dust contaminated by their droppings and saliva, it could cause an allergic reaction. Plus, if your skin comes in contact with them, it could lead to irritation and potential infections. They can even get into food containers making any home where they live a very unhealthy place to be! To avoid having an infestation of silverfish on your hands, it's important to get rid of the eggs straight away.

Can Washing Clothes Kill Silverfish Eggs?

If you think silverfish eggs have infested your clothing, the most foolproof way to get rid of them is to wash the clothes. Silverfish eggs are so tiny that it'll be impossible for you to see and remove all of them on your own. Even if you do manage to find some, chances are there's more hiding in plain sight. So don't risk leaving behind any eggs – pop those clothes into the washing machine for a thorough clean!

It's important to make sure you're washing clothing promptly if you want to avoid a silverfish infestation. You should add some detergent and make sure the wash is set at the hottest temperature your fabrics can tolerate, which will kill off any eggs that may be present in the clothes. Don't forget that silverfish not only eat fabric but also leave yellow stains on them, so you don't want them breeding around your clothing! It’s best to set up a cleaning routine and get into the habit of washing all items every two weeks or so.

Does Laundry Detergent Kill Silverfish?


Using laundry detergent is an easy way to keep your clothes looking and smelling great. It helps break down dirt, oil, and tough stains allowing you to get a deep clean on everything from shirts to bedsheets. Plus, it has brighteners, fragrances, and softening agents that give your wardrobe an added boost of freshness.

When it comes to silverfish, there is no concrete evidence that laundry detergent can kill or even prevent them. Since surfactants in detergents are effective at breaking down dirt and oils on fabrics, they may affect silverfish eggs when you wash clothes on high heat. If an infestation of silverfish has taken hold, the only way to get rid of them is through proper pest control methods such as traps or pesticides. Detergent alone will not be enough to successfully eradicate a silverfish population from your home.

Are There Other Ways to Kill Silverfish?

Removing silverfish eggs can be challenging because they are so tiny and resilient. Washing clothing may kill the eggs but other methods might need to be used to take care of an infestation. Vacuuming is a great way to get rid of the eggs since it provides enough suction power that reaches deep into carpets or underneath furniture.

Set a regular schedule for vacuuming these areas to keep an infestation from happening in your home. You can try using household items like essential oils or diatomaceous earth. Essential oils have natural insect repellent properties while diatomaceous earth absorbs moisture from body surfaces.

Alternatively, head down to the store and pick up some borax. Sprinkle a thin layer of it in any place you’ve noticed an abundance of silverfish, such as behind cupboards, alongside baseboards, inside closets, or beneath large appliances. This should help take care of them.

Final Thoughts 

Washing clothes can help get rid of silverfish eggs. Silverfish tend to lay their eggs in dark, damp spots like cracks around the house. Wet clothing, towels, and bedding can also be breeding grounds —so getting these items washed with hot water on high heat is a great way to kill off any eggs. Regularly vacuuming also goes a long way toward keeping away uninvited bug visitors from hatching out of egg clusters. By taking some preventive measures like these you'll be better equipped against any silverfish invasions.

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