The Power of Sound: 5 Sounds to scare away possums

Possums may seem cute, but if they get into your residential or commercial property, they can cause a lot of trouble. Thankfully, there are natural deterrents that you can use to scare away possums and keep them from coming back. One of the most effective methods is using sound: certain noises help alert possums to potential threats in the area so that they avoid them altogether. 

We’ve compiled a list of some great sounds that have been proven to effectively deter possums. Each one will make it clear to any visiting pests that danger is lurking nearby!

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Understanding Possum Behavior

Possums are especially notorious for trying to get into human dwellings and taking up residence. They can be found in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and other Pacific Islands as well as parts of mainland North America and South America. Possums are nocturnal creatures who prefer a diet of invertebrates such as worms, slugs, and insects but also feed on reptiles, birds eggs fruit trees flowers vegetables carrion, or any food they can scavenge from humans. Possums usually enter structures through hole openings less than 6 inches in diameter therefore it is important to inspect your home's foundation regularly for access points where possum intrusions may occur.

To prevent possums from entering our space, it is important to understand why they are attracted to certain areas like suburban neighborhoods. Possums can find a plentiful supply of food in these places, such as scraps and fruits. Moreover, we should also consider using humane methods when managing wild possums because their population has drastically declined over the last few decades due to hunting, disease, habitat destruction, and commercial interest. Therefore, avoid lethal force if other alternatives are available unless all else fails.

Sound-based solutions are a great way to scare away possums without having to deal with constant loud noise in your living area. By making use of environmental noises such as birdsong or music, you can create the perfect deterrent that will keep pesky possums away but remain unobtrusive to humans. However, it's important to be mindful of other creatures and our health when using sound-based solutions, since prolonged exposure might lead to negative consequences. Also, due to habituation, regular maintenance checks should be done for areas where these types of deterrents are used continuously so they remain effective.

The 5 Sounds to Scare Away Possums

Sound 1: Ultrasonic Devices

Ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that are designed to repel and frighten away possums. These devices can be quite effective as a nonlethal method of discouraging them from entering your home, garden, or other areas where they may become unwanted pests. It is important to properly position the ultrasonic device for it to be most effective. To increase effectiveness, it is also recommended to experiment with different sound frequencies and distances from the source of the noise.

Sound 2: Predator Calls

Predator calls are a type of sound that mimics the calls and noises of an animal's natural predator. The purpose of predator calling is to create a sense of danger, causing possums to flee before they can cause damage or become pests. Examples include loud, aggressive bird sounds like the predatory ‘kai-aa’ call used by Australian Magpie; cries from cats, foxes, and dogs; and sharp shrieks similar to those made by lorikeets. These sounds make possums believe predators are near and encourage them to move away in search of safer grounds.

Sound 3: Distress Calls

Distress calls are special sounds that animals can make for specific purposes, such as to signal danger or alert nearby partners of distress. These calls typically involve a vocalized sound that is high-pitched and resembles a scream or a whine. For example, these may include bird squawks, bee buzzes, and mammal shrieks. When used in the context of scaring away possums, these distress calls act as an alarm system to warn approaching possums of potential danger - thus encouraging them to flee from the area instead of approaching it any further. Examples could range from the growl of a bigger predator such as a fox or coyote to crying baby noise like hooting owls or screeching hawks.

Sound 4: Motion-Activated Devices

Motion-activated devices are an excellent way to scare away possums and deter their presence in your home or garden. These devices make various loud noises when triggered by motion, such as a squeal, whistle, or clank. The sound emitted is disturbing to the animal, triggering its instinctual flight response and urging it away from where the noise came from. Motion-activated devices have proven to be efficient deterrents for possums, but they will require some trial and error before you find a sound that works best on the specific species living near your residence. You may first need to observe how the possum responds differently to different sounds.

Sound 5: Water Sprinklers

Water sprinklers are a simple and effective way to scare away possums. As they approach, the motion-activated sprinklers will startle them by releasing bursts of water. The combination of sound from the activating mechanism and sudden bursts of cold water scares away foraging animals like possums. Properly installed garden irrigation or lawn-watering systems can also serve as an effective deterrent when connected to motion sensor units. For best results, install the system in several areas around your property line and be sure that it is adjusted correctly so that any approached area is triggered. It's important to keep up with maintenance on these systems as well to ensure they are always working properly


Additional Tips for Possum Deterrence

  • Place motion-sensor lights around your property, which will help to startle possums and scare them away.
  • Use scent deterrents such as predator urine along pathways or areas where the possum is commonly seen.
  • Install mesh barriers around chimneys, rafters, and other areas of your home that a possum may use to access a sheltered area in your house.
  • Secure all food sources (pet food, trash cans, etc.) so that they can't be accessed by passing wildlife, including possums.


The use of sound to repel possums has proven to be an effective preventive measure in keeping these animals away from residential and commercial properties. While netting is often the go-to solution for dealing with a problematic infestation, it can be expensive and time-consuming. Making use of noise as a deterrent is an efficient and cost-effective way to keep possums at bay without the need for any physical activity.

Each sound has its own unique set of benefits that should be taken into consideration when actively seeking out ways to deter pests on your property. For sound deterrents to work most effectively, homeowners must understand how the various sounds affect them and when exactly they are heard best by the intended target(s). You must remain consistent in your deterrence efforts through regular playback schedules.

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