Are Roaches Worse In Summer Or Winter? (Solved and Explained)

If there's one thing that humans can learn from roaches, it'd have to be resilience! Roaches are a hardy pest that's notoriously difficult to get rid of once they invade your home! These pesky pests have been around for millions of years, which means that they survived both the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs and the Jurassic Period! 

Unsurprisingly, roaches can cause trouble all year round! They are able to straddle all seasons and continuously cause problems for many homeowners. Roaches are especially active during summer when the weather gets warmer. They choose to breed during this time of the year, and you will notice their population increase dramatically!

In addition, when temperatures become extremely hot, even roaches that otherwise stay outdoors will invade your house, seeking relief from the unbearable heat.  

Roaches are cold-blooded, meaning that they can barely cope in the winter. The cold temperatures slow down their body processes nearly to a stop. During this time (fall and winter), roaches will seek refuge and winterize in your home. Once they infiltrate your house, roaches will breed just as much as they do during summer as long as the temperatures remain above 50°F. 

So, 'are roaches worse in summer or winter?' The most important thing for homeowners to note is that roach infestations are a year-round problem! 

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Why Do Roach  Populations Seem To Shrink During The Fall And Winter 

Unlike during summer, the roaches population noticeably reduces during fall and winter. Roaches are cold-blooded arthropods. Their body temperatures change as the weather changes. At low temperatures, their body processes tend to slow down.

But roaches are an extremely resilient pest, and their single most important goal is to survive even during winter! Hence, they have developed numerous adaptations over the years to ensure they remain alive even during the harshest winter months!

Firstly, most roaches will hole up in the warmer places of your home, basement, or garage where they reduce their daily activities and wait for the winter weather to pass__thats why you notice declined cockroach activity during the colder months.

Roaches save up their energy and avoid activities that can expose them to dangerously cold temperatures. When temperatures drop below 10°C, most roaches will stop growth and breeding.

Secondly, most roach nymphs will diapause (enter a state of suspended development) during the winter, and their development will resume when temperatures begin to rise. This is especially common with those roaches that remain outdoors during winter.

There are numerous cockroach species, and each has developed specific characteristics to ensure their survival during winter. For instance, German roaches can wriggle into very tiny openings like cracks and crevices in walls and overwinter there.

Comparably, American roaches prefer to remain outdoors and hibernate in decaying trees and piles of wood throughout winter.

The brown-banded roaches prefer the warmer places indoors, and you'll often find them near electrical appliances and in the kitchen during winter.

On the other hand, oriental roaches prefer to stay near water sources such as drains, sewers, and basements.

Do Roaches Die In The Winter? 

As noted earlier, the biggest winter plan for all cockroach species is to stay alive! But even if roaches have an uncanny ability to survive even in conditions well above and below their preferred temperatures, extremely cold weather is bad news for them!

Typically, cockroaches hate cold temperatures, and they need time to acclimate to the temperature changes. They will find a warm place to survive a cold winter. However, when temperatures go below -10°C, roaches that didn't find a warm place to take refuge will begin to die off.

Please note that roaches have a much lower chance to survive for long if they're stuck in low temperatures for a long time. For example, if roaches are stuck in a garage or basement that's around 45°F, their chances of dying off increase dramatically after 10 hours! Sure, they may survive longer than that, but it's highly unlikely.

Should temperatures go as low as -17°C, most cockroaches will die in less than an hour! In summary, the lower the temperatures drop, the lower the chances of roaches surviving and the faster they will die.

Are Roaches More Prevalent In Summer? 

As temperatures begin to rise, roaches will emerge from voids, cracks, sewers, basements, and other sheltered areas in search of food. Roaches seek out warmth, and they thrive in the moist summer heat!

The warm summer weather encourages them to breed, and you will notice the drastic increase in the number of roaches foraging for food in your house. During this season, homes are at an increased risk of cockroach infestations thanks to the readily available warm, moist conditions.

Generally, roaches are designed to withstand high temperatures better than humans. But they are not heat resistant! And they require a specific temperature range ( 70-90°F) to thrive.

When it gets extremely hot, roaches will stream into homes in search of food, water, and relief from the excess heat. American roaches, for instance, will invade homes in droves in search of more hospitable conditions, especially when temperatures go above 110 degrees.

Roaches can gain access to your home through openings or any small cracks and crevices that they can squeeze through. Because cockroaches are mainly active at night, it's not easy to see them unless the infestation has become full-blown.

Therefore, homeowners must watch out for early signs of cockroach infestations. Roaches especially prefer warm and humid areas like kitchens and bathrooms. They can also hide in your drawers.

How Does A Cockroach Infestation Begin? 

Contrary to popular belief, keeping your home spotlessly clean will not eliminate or keep cockroaches away.

To begin with, these hardy pests can live for up to a month without food! You can potentially starve roaches to death. But, you must ensure that foods are not left overnight in the kitchen, spillages are wiped off immediately they occur, and crumbs do not collect in your cabinets.

While keeping your house clean is important, it will not possibly keep roaches away. Cockroaches can easily hitch a ride via items like suitcases, furniture, and grocery bags into your home. In addition, roaches can flex their exoskeletons and crawl through the smallest cracks and crevices into your home from outdoors.

How To Keep Summer And Winter Roaches Away 

The most effective way to keep summer and winter roaches away is by sealing and rendering your home completely unattractive to cockroaches. Food is a big cockroach attractant. Therefore, you want to ensure even the smallest scrap of food is removed.

Below are effective steps you can take to keep summer and winter roaches away:

  • Clean dishes immediately after use: Ensure your sinks and kitchen counters are free from dirty dishes at all times! Understand that roaches only require small food particles to invade and colonize your home.
  • Seal food in airtight containers: Keep foods sealed up in airtight containers. This helps keep away roaches and other invasive pests. 
  • Clean food preparation areas: All food contact areas like kitchen counters and other surfaces where you store food should be cleaned and disinfected daily! Other areas like sinks and drains should be wiped, cleaned thoroughly often, and disinfected at least once every week. You should also keep your toaster and other appliances free from crumbs at all times. 
  • Store food in the fridge: Any foods that can be kept cold should be kept in the fridge and ensure the fridge is sealed properly and cleaned regularly to keep insects away. 
  • Vacuum the house: Thoroughly vacuum your carpets and the entire flooring to eliminate dirt and any food particles that may have dropped. Immediately empty the vacuum bags after each cleaning session! 
  • Take out the trash: Empty your trash bins as regularly as possible and replace the garbage bags with fresh ones. This eliminates all possible cockroach food sources like rotting foods and discarded food scraps. 
  • Keep pet food away: Roaches eat almost anything, including pet foods. Dog food is a particular favorite for these loathed invaders. You want to keep your pet food sealed up in airtight containers to deny roaches any access.

  • Seal up your home: Roaches are notorious for squeezing through cracks and crevices in your walls and foundation. Inspect your house thoroughly and pay keen attention to any spaces in the pipes and wiring leading from the interior of your house to the outdoors and any gaps in the foundation of your home. You can use caulk to fill the cracks and gaps.

Professional Pest Control

Roaches thrive and breed in the summertime. But they will also seek refuge in your house during winter. This means that roaches are worse in summer and winter, which makes it especially challenging for homeowners to get rid of roaches on their own. Sometimes, even when you follow all the preventative tips mentioned above, you may still end up with a few cockroaches, especially those that hide deep in cracks and crevices.

Pest control professionals are trained to expose roaches from their hiding spots and exterminate them completely! A pest control company near me will also protect your home from future re-infestations and advice you on how to prevent the creepy pests from returning to your home.

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