Will A Bug Zapper Kill Fleas? (Should You Buy It?)

Fleas are one of the most resilient pests that can invade a home! A flea pupae can survive for six months or more without feeding. 

If the environmental conditions in your home are not ideal for emergence, fleas will remain protected in their cocoon, where they will continue to develop for months and, in worst cases, years!

Flea cocoons are quite sticky, allowing the pests to hide deep within carpets and rugs. This makes it hard to remove them via light vacuuming or even sweeping. Even worse, the cocoon works to protect the developing adult fleas from chemicals. 

So if you are determined to get rid of fleas on your own, then you must use the most effective flea control method to get rid of the hardy pests effectively.  

On a related note, will a bug zapper kill fleas? Short answer? A bug zapper may help reduce the number of fleas in your home, but not completely. 

Let's discuss the effectiveness of a bug zapper in killing or controlling fleas.

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What Is A Bug Zapper?

To answer the burning question 'will a bug zapper kill fleas?' it's important that you first understand what a bug zapper is and how it works. 

The rise in technology has led to the development of more efficient and non-expendable techniques like insect electrocution using bug zappers to get rid of nuisance invaders.

A bug zapper is a sustainable device that utilizes ultraviolet light to attract insects to the trap and execute them! 

A bug zapper is composed of a light source (bulb) that produces the ultraviolet light required to attract insects. A pair of wire grids surround the light bulb. An electric circuit powers the grids allowing the zapper to generate enough voltage to electrocute insects. 

The device produces a 'zap' sound when bugs are electrocuted, hence the name 'bug zapper.' The best bug zappers usually have a strong fan and trays to trap and collect the electrocuted insects. 

These devices are very convenient as they work on rechargeable batteries that use a USB adapter to charge. Some bug zappers may use disposable alkaline batteries, which you will need to replace once it is completely discharged.

How Effective Is A Bug Zapper? 

Bug zappers have successfully been used worldwide to exterminate thousands of pesky bugs both indoors and outdoors, including yards. 

Bug zappers exploit the tendency of most bugs to be attracted to light. The UV light produced by the bulb attracts bugs, and the electrocution from the wire grids kills them instantly! 

These devices have also been found to attract and kill non-target insects like beneficial beetles, which help in pest control, drastically reducing their population. 

Because bug zappers attract a massive variety of insects, experts are primarily concerned that they can potentially endanger beneficial insects. 

But the big question is, 'will a bug zapper kill fleas as well?'

Will A Bug Zapper Kill Fleas? 

The most important thing to note is that most of the bugs attracted to a bug zapper are typically nocturnal, flying insects.

On the flip side, fleas can loosely be considered nocturnal, and they don't fly. Besides, these pests are barely attracted to the UV light produced by a bug zapper.

According to numerous studies, fleas are not attracted to all types of light. Rather, they are more attracted to the green-yellow, intermittent light than ultraviolet light. In addition, fleas tend to stay close to the skin of their host, buried deep within the fur. Hence, the chances of the pest moving towards your bug zapper are limited. 

However, an extremely powerful bug zapper may help kill fleas in your home. Fleas are attracted to heat produced by the lights (bulbs). The bug zapper will easily kill the jumping fleas. When this happens, you will hear a popping sound of instant electrocution! 

To increase your chances of killing fleas using a bug zapper, you want to place the bug zapper in places where the fleas have infested, like near your pet's bed. Place a small container of soapy water nearby so that when the fleas are attracted to the UV light of your bug zapper, they'll fall and drown in the soapy water. 

How To Prevent A Flea Infestation

The most effective way to deal with fleas is by preventing an infestation from happening in the first place. Consider the following effective tips: 

Keep Your House Clean At All Times

Fleas thrive in dirty places. Therefore, you want to maintain maximum cleanliness and make your home undesirable for fleas to exist. You can achieve this by thoroughly and regularly vacuuming your flooring, furniture, and carpets. Pay keen attention to areas where your pet frequents and under furniture. 

Empty the vacuum regularly. It's a good idea to add a flea collar in the vacuum bag, providing extra effectiveness in killing and repelling the pests.

Inspect your pets' bedding regularly and wash them in hot water. Alternatively, you can hang them out in the sun when the weather is warmer. 

Protect Your Pet 

One of the most common ways fleas invade homes is by attaching to your pet's body and burrowing in their fur to feed and breed. Making your pet undesirable to fleas is an effective step towards keeping fleas away. 

Wash your pet in warm water using a mild soap, or have your veterinarian recommend an effective pet shampoo with advanced strength for flea and tick protection. 

Consider combing your pet's hair often and keeping it clipped, especially during the warmer months, to discourage pests from making a home in it 

Secure Your Home And Yard

The dirt and clutter outside your home are fleas' best places to live. Wild animals can also come into your yard in search of grass or small bugs to feed on. These animals can bring the dirty critters into your home, and soon, they'll attack your pets and spread to your carpets, upholstered furniture, and other places where your pet frequents. 

Consider keeping the grass in your yard nicely trimmed and eliminating clutter to reduce potential flea hiding spots. Ensure there are no foods or empty food containers in your yard. Last but not least, seal all cracks and gaps around your home to keep flea carriers like raccoons away! 

The Most Effective Way To Kill Fleas 

As seen above, bug zappers are not an effective or reliable way to kill fleas. Luckily, there are many other effective ways to kill fleas, like using a flea zapper comb. Flea zapper electric combs are a highly effective, nonchemical, and safe way to get rid of fleas from your pets. 

These combs have fine teeth like your regular flea comb. However, they produce weak electric currents in between the teeth that kill fleas and their eggs upon contact. 

UV Vacuums 

Your regular vacuum with an addition of ultraviolet light to the brushing and suction action. These vacuums double the effectiveness of a regular vacuum cleaner in removing fleas and other microorganisms from a carpet. 

Ensure to vacuum every nook and cranny of your entire house, including furniture and carpets, to kill adult fleas, eggs, and larvae as soon as they go into the vacuum. 

Professional Pest Control 

A professional pest controller will visit your home and do a thorough inspection of your entire property to determine the cause of the infestation and factors that may be attracting the pests into your home. They will put together a highly effective treatment plan that meets your specific needs, all while eliminating the pest completely and protecting your home from chances of future re-infestations.

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