Does Lysol Kill Roaches? (All You Need To Know)

Lysol spray is typically a disinfectant designed to kill viruses and bacteria. But can Lysol kill roaches? Yes. However, effective cockroach control results depend on how well you perform the treatment. 

Most pests can be exterminated rather fast by professional pest controllers. But roaches are so hard to eradicate, it is said they can survive for long in a microwave! 

That may be true, considering that this pest has an incredibly strong and flexible exoskeleton that can withstand even the hardest stomp! Besides, roaches have negligible water molecules in their bodies, so they can easily come out unscathed after a heating process. 

When seeking safety, roaches are extremely voracious and can flatten themselves to fit even the tiniest cracks and crevices. Mother cockroaches can lay thousands of eggs at once. And unlike other insects that abandon their eggs, some cockroach species have been found to behave more like mammals__by carrying their eggs and protecting their offspring. 

So, if you must use Lysol to kill roaches, you'll need to use it appropriately to get effective results.

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Can Lysol Kill Roaches? 

Yes, Lysol kills roaches! It achieves this by suffocating the hardy pests.

Like many other insects, cockroaches have spiracles in their thorax and abdomen. Their respiratory system relies on a simple gas exchange system that supplies their bodies with oxygen and expels carbon dioxide via spiracles.

Lysol is a sticky solution. When sprayed on an insect body, it clogs the spiracles, causing the insects to choke and die.

But there are more reasons why Lysol kills roaches effectively. Read on to find out how this kitchen staple kills roaches.

Why Lysol Kills Roaches Effectively

Cockroaches are one of the most resilient pests in the world! They have been around for more than 200 million years, and unsurprisingly, they have mastered one-of-a-kind survival skills.

Have you ever heard that roaches can live for up to a week without a head? Yup, that's true! Cockroaches have multiple nervous centers. The rest of the body will continue to operate separately once it loses its head.

The problem with these frightening pests is that they have grown increasingly resistant to the commonly used chemical treatments and other household remedies.

Lysol has been approved as an effective product against the COVID-19 virus. So, it stands a good chance of killing cockroaches. But it doesn't work in the same way as your ordinary insecticides.

Most insecticide's mode of action involves targeting the insect's central nervous system. When such treatment is absorbed into the insect's body, it interferes with the insect's sodium channels, causing paralysis and eventual death.

Lysol doesn't interfere with the insect's central nervous system. Instead, it sticks to the cockroach's body, clogging its spiracles. The insect will suffocate and eventually die!

This suggests that besides Lysol, you can mix a sticky liquid with water, spray the insects, and they will die. But really, Lysol and other sticky substances are not a foolproof way of getting rid of roaches from your home entirely. The best way to deal with a cockroach infestation is by calling pest control professionals.


Will Other Disinfectants Work Against Roaches? 

The problem is, most people rush to the store in desperation of getting rid of roaches from their homes. They may not realize that some of these disinfectants may not be potent enough to take care of a whole infestation.

Lysol kills roaches, but that's only because it contains three effective chemicals___ethanol, benzalkonium chloride, and isopropyl alcohol.

If you are looking for an emergency spray, then grabbing any disinfectant with these three active ingredients will provide you with effective results.

Note that the disinfectant must contain more than 70% alcohol!

Can Lysol Get Rid Of A Whole Cockroach Infestation? 

That's highly unlikely.

Even pest control experts usually have to use an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to exterminate roaches. IPM combines techniques, including biological control, habitat manipulation, and more. This combination provides long-term pest extermination and prevention results. Insecticides are only used if inspection indicates they are required to exterminate a targeted invader.

To get effective roach control results using Lysol, you will need to combine different procedures as follows:

Get An Effective Cockroach Spray 


Honestly, cockroaches strike a different level of disgust! Nobody likes dealing with these filthy pests. And while you may be tempted to stomp on the pest or slap it hard with your slipper or newspaper___high chances are that you will miss this swift critter. Besides, you don't want to squish the cockroach and leave its nasty insides smeared all over your floor or wall.

Therefore, you need to get a highly effective treatment that will kill cockroaches upon contact. Consider using Lysol or any other equally effective sprays.

Getting Rid Of Hidden Roaches 

Spotting one or two cockroaches in your house, dead or alive, means two things: there are many others that you haven't seen yet, and it's time to do a complete inspection.

While inspecting, consider the dark, undisturbed places like behind refrigerators and under sinks. Should you find evidence of more cockroaches, you need to do three things__set roach baits, roach traps, and prevent chances of re-infestations. Alternatively, you can leave all the hassle to a pest control professional. 

Roach traps are pretty easy to use. They feature a bait or an attractant that lures cockroaches and traps them as soon as they step onto the trap.

Roach baits are relatively a modern pest control method, and they work even better. Baits take advantage of roaches' cannibalistic tendencies. This method involves feeding the pests with an insecticide. They move back to their nests and die within 24 hours. The other hungry members of the colony feed on the dead bodies and ingest the toxic chemicals, oblivious to the fact that they too will die soon. If you're lucky, roach baits can exterminate an entire colony.

Prevent Re-infestations

The most effective way to prevent cockroaches from re-infesting your home is by rendering it completely unattractive to the pest.

You can achieve this by simply maintaining a high degree of cleanliness. For instance, by ensuring your dishes are clean at all times, being proactive in cleaning any spillages and food residuals, and keeping trash bins closed at all times.

Roaches are notorious for flattening themselves in half and squeezing through impossible tiny cracks! To beat them at their own game, seal up even the tiniest cracks and crevices using caulk.

Weatherstripping your doors and windows go a long way toward protecting your home from cockroach infestations. Finally, inspect your faucets, sinks, and pipes and fix all holes as leaking water is a big cockroach attractant.

Lysol Vs. Regular Cockroach Treatments 

Lysol kills cockroaches upon contact. And like many regular cockroach treatments, Lysol also kills cockroach eggs. The alcohol in this disinfectant acts as a natural desiccant, causing the eggs to dehydrate and die!

An incredible fact about Lysol is that it delivers a one-two punch! That's because it also repels cockroaches. The smell Lysol releases are unpleasant and in a big way. If people hold their breaths when they smell this pungent scent, then surely, cockroaches dread it and will keep off by all means.

As seen above, cockroach menu accommodates just about anything they come across, including members of their colony. Roaches also eat living and dead humans! They tread and feed on all sorts of disgusting things like baby diapers, garbage, and feces. They pick up all manner of bacteria and viruses on their bodies and deposit them on your food, pantry, and other surfaces. They spread diseases like cholera, leprosy, and salmonellosis.

Lysol is essentially a powerful disinfectant. In the event cockroaches contaminate your surfaces and upholstery with germs and pathogens, Lysol will help you clean up the sickly mess.

While Lyson sounds a lot more versatile and effective than conventional cockroach treatments, please note that you can't rely on it entirely.

For instance, roaches are the real masterminds of hide and seek, after bed bugs, and unless you spray every nook and cranny of your home, you'll lose a war against them. But we can all agree that Lysol is perhaps the most effective home remedy for cockroaches!


No home or business owner wants to deal with a cockroach infestation! These creepy pests are disgusting in all ways and extremely hard to exterminate. Luckily, Lysol has proven effective against roaches in all their stages, from eggs to adults.

Lysol kills roaches and their eggs, repels pests, and disinfects contaminated surfaces. However, for the best cockroach control results, you'll need to combine Lysol with other treatments.

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